100% Grass-fed Beef
100% Grass-fed Beef
Please select an order type below.
The prices shown in parentheses are approximate. See the "Products" link for a more detailed explanation of costs.
You may order online or Contact Us. You may also call us at (320) 594-0031. Pick-up or delivery is arranged on an individual basis by telephone or e-mail at hacketts@stonebridgebeef.com. We do not mail or ship our beef.
We require a deposit of $100.00 for a Quarter or $180.00 for a Half (Side) or a $250.00 for a whole beef. You may pay your deposit by credit card or check to confirm your order. You may also pay for Burger Packs online with a credit card. When ordering quarters, halves, etc. we ask that your balance (once the processing cost is determined) be paid by check or cash at delivery time.
Thank you for your order! We will contact you shortly to arrange cutting orders, pick-up, and to answer any questions.